
Monday, June 7, 2010

Sydney Film Festival Day 7 - Rest Day

Today I have succumbed to a mild dose of the Festival Sniffles. A week or so spend in dark theatres with airconditioning hot/cold and ducking in and out of the rain/warm weather we have had last week and it is almost inevitable.

There is always a cast of snifflers/sneezers and coughers at the festival and they are unbelievably annoying. I am feeling mildly crap so thought a day of rest would be a good idea. The thought of some knitting and spinning time is worth staying home for too.

I have spent the morning spinning up a storm, whilst washing and drinking tea. I am about to settle in for a bit of knitting and some dodgy TV.

Spinning: 3.5 hours 3/4 of a bobbin
Knitting: 42 rows 41cm
Films: 12

1 comment:

DrK said...

rest rest you must be well for tomorrow!